Wednesday, October 5, 2016

September 29, 2016 - Week 24

Hello Everybody!

So we had a pretty great week this week but first, here is some news!

I am going to be transferred! They are sending me back to Richland to serve in the Hillview ward! My new Companion is Elder Gwilliam, I am pretty excited to get back to Richland! However, I am not excited to pack, or leave Elder Snelgrove, or to leave Walla Walla, but oh well! Such is the life of a missionary I guess! 

This week we found a guy named Roy, he is a huge SDA and he does something called Call Porting, which basically means he has a garage filled to the brim with SDA literature that he goes door to door selling or gives to missionaries he thinks are mislead...He is an alright guy. We taught him a lesson on the Restoration but we didn't get very far before he just sat there and tried to bash with us. He means well but they just need to know that there is a lot more to church than which day you go to it.

This week we finally met this guy we had been trying to meet for a while. Their family are all active members except the father. He will not be baptized "until his mother has passed away". And because missionaries in the passed would not get passed that, they always pushed too hard so they haven't allowed missionaries through their doorway for a long time. They Mother loves to give us eggs though, she gives them to us all the time and this time we got through the door. We only talked Fishing, Hunting, Blacksmiths, and Falconry the whole time but hey, we got in. 

This week a member sent us over to her friends home, she lives on her farm called Frog Hollow Farm. Guess what religion she is? YUP, SDA. We came over and volunteered some time on the Farm. We spent two hours pulling dead Tomato plants, It was pretty awesome.

Well, Thats what I got for ya this week! 
Love You all!

Elder Strong

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