Monday, June 27, 2016

June 27, 2016 - Week 11

Hey Everyone!

I may have procrastinated this email a little so it might be kinda a little shorter  but still an awesome week!

So this week we did a ton of finding. When I was doubled in here we got notes from the last Elders telling us about the area. In one of them they said to stay away from the Twin Dolphin apartments so my Elder Tobey decided we were going to knock every single door in the Twin Dolphin apartment Complex. We ended up meeting this kid named Christian. He is 18 and just got out of Jail (not sure why) and said he found God in jail and wanted to learn more. Yesterday we had an awesome lesson with him and his little brother Brandon and set up another appointment for Tuesday, making them official investigators! They are super receptive and recognize us as messengers sent from God, so that is pretty cool.

This week we had a lesson with Mark. It went super well but we have met a new problem with his Mormon friends making him a little worried. Let me teach everyone something, when your friend tells you about the church, never talk about anything about the church lightly. Don't make jokes and don't tell them about stuff they won't need to learn about for a LONG time.

We had exchanges this week, I went with E. Clark to the Columbia ward. It is a walking area so I got to test out the Hush Clarks (a pair of Clark shoes with Hush Puppy insoles, cost me 2 bucks and I don't care if they get scuffed or ruined). Found out they aren't the best for walking but I still like having them. We had dinner with Bro Falan, a food scientist. He helped develop a lot of cool stuff. The company he works for provides the fries for most/all fast food places. (basically if they don't make their own, these guys make them)

This week will probably be our last lesson with Pedro and Z. They get their keys to the new house Thursday and start moving in. I am so excited for them to keep progressing in both temporal and spiritual ways.

No new developments other than that, Love You!!

Elder Strong

Us, Mark and Linda

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